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Used Abbreviations
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consistency in legal descriptions, BLM has adopted the following
standard notation appreviations for public lands.
A |
A | Acre(s) | Admt | Amendment, Amended, Amends |
Acq | Acquired | ANS | Air Navigation Site |
Act of Cong | Act of Congress | Apln | Application |
Adm S | Administrative Site | Apln Ext | Application for extension |
AEC | Atomic Energy Commission | Appvd | Approved |
Agri | Agriculture, Agricultural | Aprt | Airport |
Agri Exp Sta | Agricultural Experimental Station | Asgn | Assignment |
AHE | Additional Homestead Entry | Asph | Asphalt |
All Min | All minerals | ASRHE | Additional Stockraising Homestead Entry |
Allot | Allotment | Auth | Authorization |
B |
Bdy, Bdrs | Boundary, Boundaries | BLM | Bureau of Land Management |
BIA | Bureau of Indian Affairs | BR | Bureau of Reclamation |
Blk | Block | BSFW | Bureau
of Sports, Fisheries & Wildlife (Now Fish and Wildlife Service) |
C | |||
COE | Corps of Engineers | CHE | Commuted Homestead Entry |
CA | Communitization Agreement | Circ | Circular |
Cad | Cadastral | Cl | Classification |
Canc | Cancellation, Cancelled | C/L | Center line |
Cpg | Campground | Comm P | Community pit |
CDI | Control Document Index | Comm S | Communication site |
CE | Cash Entry | Condemn | Condemnation |
Cert | Certificate | Corp | Corporation |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations | C/T | Color of Title |
Ch, Chs | Chain, Chains | Cur Pat | Curative patent |
D | |||
D/C | Ditches and/or Canal | Det | Determination |
Ded | Dedication | Dist | District |
Def | Deficiency | Div | Division |
Dept of Agri | Department of Agriculture | DLE | Desert Land Entry |
Dept of Int | Department of the Interior | DM | District Manager |
DOI | Department of the Interior | Doc | Document |
Des | Designation, designated | ||
E | |||
E | East | ES | Exchange Survey |
Eff | Effective | Esmt | Easement |
EHE | Enlarged Homestead Entry | Excl | Excluding, excluded |
Elim | Eliminate, elimination | Exp | Expire, expired |
Enlgmt | Enlargement | Ext | Extended, extension, extend |
EO | Executive Order | ||
F | |||
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration | FPA | Federal Power Act |
F&WS | Fish and Wildlife Service | FPC | Federal Power Commission |
FC | Final Certificate | FR | Federal Register |
Fed | Federal | Frac | Fractional |
FHA | Farmers Home Administration | FS | Forest Service |
Fis | Fissionable materials | FUP | Free Use Permit |
FLS | Forest Lieu Selection | FX | Forest Exchange |
Fm U | Farm unit | ||
G |
Gd | Gold | GLO | General Land Office |
Geo | Geothermal | Geo Plat | Geothermal Resource Plat |
H |
Hdq S | Headquarters site | HES | Homestead Entry Survey |
HDS | Homestead Declaratory Statement | HI | Historical Index |
HE | Homestead Entry | Hwy | Highway |
I |
IA | Indian Allotment | Ind Res | Indian reservation |
Iden | Identify, Identification | Ind Tr | Indian Trust |
IL | Indemnity List state | Ind Tr Pat | Indian Trust patent |
Illus | Illustration | Intpr | Interpretation |
Incl | Including, Inclusive | IS | Indemnity Selection |
Ind Fee | Indian fee | IT | Isolated Tract |
J |
Juris | Jurisdiction | ||
K |
KCLA | Known Coal Leasing Area | KGS | Known Geological Structure |
KGRA | Known Geothermal Resource Area | KLA | Known Leasing Area |
L |
Lat | Latitude | LS | Lieu Selection |
LD | Interior Land Decision | Lsbl | Leasable |
Lic | License | Lse | Lease |
LO | Land Office | Ltr | Letter |
Loc | Location | LU | Land Utilization |
Long | Longitude | ||
M | |||
Mat S | Material Site | Min Cert or MC | Mineral certificate |
M&B | Metes and Bounds | Misc | Miscellaneous |
MCOA or MOA | Mining Claim Occupancy Act | MLCI | Mineral Location & Contest Index |
ME | Mineral Entry | Mod | Modification |
Mgmt | Management | Mon | Monument |
Mil Pur | Military purpose | MS | Mineral survey |
Mil Res | Military reservation | MTP | Master Title Plat |
Mil S | Millsite | Mult Use or MU | Multiple Use |
Min | Mineral | ||
N | |||
N | North | NOL | Not Open to Leasing |
NA | Native Allotment | NOM | Not Open to Mining |
NE | Northeast | NP | National Park |
nc | Noncompetitive | NPS | National Park Service |
NF | National Forest | NRL | National Resource Lands |
N Mon | National Monument | NW | Northwest |
NOE | Not Open to Entry (Surface, Mining and Mineral Leasing) | NWR | National Wildlife Refuge |
O |
O | Order | OG | Oil and Gas |
OE | Open to Entry | Oper | Operator |
P | |||
Par | Parcel | Pre | Pre-emption |
Part | Partially | Proc | Proclamation |
Pat | Patent | Proj | Project |
PD | Public Domain | Prop | Propose, proposed |
Per | Permit | Prot Wdl | Protective Withdrawal |
Pet Res | Petroleum Reserve | PS | Public sale |
Pho | Phosphate | PU | Public Use |
PL | Public Law | Pur | Purchase |
PLC | Public Land Claim | PW Res | Public Water Reserve |
PLO | Public Land Order | Pwr Proj | Power project |
Pot | Potassium | Pwr S | Power site |
Pr Per | Prospecting permit | PX | Private exchange |
Q | |||
QCD | Quitclaim Deed | Qs | Quicksilver |
R | |||
R | Range | Rev | Revoked, revocation |
R&PP | Recreation and Public Purpose | Rfg | Refuge |
Rcpl | Reciprocal | Rgr Sta | Ranger station |
Rd | Road | RHE | Reclamation Homestead Entry |
Re-cl | Reclassification | RI | Range Improvement |
Rec Lse | Recreation lease | RIP | Records Management Project |
Recl Wdl | Reclamation withdrawal | Rmks | Remarks |
Recon | Reconveyed | RR | Railroad |
Reg | Regional | RRG | Railroad Grant |
Rej | Rejected, rejection | RRIS | Railroad Indemnity Selection |
Rel | Relinquished, relinquishment | RRLS | Railroad Lieu Selection |
Res | Reservation or reserve | RS | Revised Statutes |
Resc | Rescind, rescinded | Rstd | Restricted |
Rest | Restoration, restored | Rvst | Revested |
Resvr | Reservoir | R/W | Rights-of-Way |
S | |||
S | South | Spec Per | Special Permit |
SAH | Soldier's Additional Homestead | SR | Serial Register |
SD | State Director | SRHE | Stockraising Homestead Entry |
SDO | State Director's Order | SS | State Selection |
SDW Wdl | Stock Driveway Withdrawal | ST | Small Tract |
SE | Southeast | Stat | Statutes at large |
sec. | Section | ST Cl | Small tract Classification |
Sec of Agri | Secretary of Agriculture | ST Lse | Small tract lease |
Sec of the Int | Secretary of the Interior | Sta | Station |
Segr | Segregate, segregated | Subdiv Und | Subdivision undefined |
Sel | Selection, selected | Subj | Subject |
SG | State Grant | Sul | Sulphur |
SHC | Small Holding Line | Suppl | Supplemental |
Si | Silver | Sur | Survey, surveyed |
Sim | Simultaneous | Sus | Suspended |
SLUP | Special Land Use Permit | SW | Southwest |
SO | Secretary's Order | SX | State Exchange |
Sod | Sodium | ||
T |
T or Tps | Township, townships | Trans | Transmission |
TC | Timber Culture | Trf | Transfer |
Tel | Telephone | Trf Juris | Transfer of jurisdiction |
Teleg | Telegraph | Trfd | Transferred |
Temp | Temporary | Tri Sta | Triangulation station |
Term | Terminate, termination | Trsp | Trespass |
Tns | Townsite | T/S | Timber and Stone |
Tr | Tract | TUP | Temporary Use Permit |
U | |||
UA | Unit Agreement | USS | United States Survey |
Unapprop | Unappropriated | Unsur | Unsurveyed |
Undet | Undetermined | UR | Uranium |
Undgd | Underground | USC | United States Code |
US | United States | USGS | United States Geological Survey |
W | |||
W | West | WP | Water Power |
WAA | War Assets Administration | Wp Des | Water power designation |
War Dept | War Department | WR | Water Rights |
WD | Warranty Deed | WS | Watershed |
Wdl | Withdrawal | Wt | Warrant |
Wdn | Withdrawn | ||
X | |||
X | Exchange, exchanged |